Malaria Symptoms
The Chills
Much like a wicked cold or bout of the flu, a person who has contracted malaria will often begin to get the chills. These will usually be moderate, but may escalate to fairly severe.
The Sweats
As a person begins to experience the chills, he may also begin to sweat. This sweating isn't a normal perspiration, but more profuse in production.
More often than not, a person who is infected with malaria will begin to suffer (after an incubation period of anywhere between 7 and 40 days) a fairly high fever, starting out at around 100 degrees F and up.
Digestive Issues
Most people who have malaria will generally experience some sort of symptom that involves their digestive systems. This may manifest as nausea, vomiting or diarrhea. Some people will suffer from all three.
Another fairly common symptom of malaria may also be a headache. It can present itself as mild to moderate, as well as moderate to severe.
People with malaria have also been known to experience an overwhelming sense of exhaustion or fatigue, forcing them to take a seat for a moment's rest.
From time to time, a person suffering with malaria may also notice some pain that is generally located in the muscles, and may move into the lower back.