About the Life Cycle of Dengue Fever
People are typically infected with Dengue Fever during the rainy seasons of tropical and subtropical areas in India, the Middle East, Africa, Southeast Asia, China, Australia, the South Pacific and Central Pacific, according to the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases (NIAID). However, cases have been found in the United States of America, specifically in Hawaii.
Time Frame
People are infected with the Dengue Virus when they are bitten by an infected Aedes mosquito. Two types of that mosquito, the Aedes albopictus and Aedes aegypti have been the transmitters for nearly all of the Dengue Fever cases, according to the NIAID. After a person is bitten by these types of mosquitoes, they may experience symptoms within a few days.
According to Medicine Net, once a person is bitten by an infected mosquito, the disease can incubate from 3 to 15 days before they start to experience symptoms. After this time, the person will first start to experience headache, chills, low backache and pain when they move their eyes. In addition, during the first hours that the fever starts to set in, the person will experience painful aching in the joints and legs as well.
Also during the initial onset of Dengue Fever, those infected will also experience a rise in temperature to about 104 degrees Fahrenheit, as well as low blood pressure and heart rate, according to Medicine Net. People also tend to have red eyes, a pink rash on their face, and swollen glands in the beginning. After about two to four days, the temperature drops rapidly and sufferers sweat rapidly. After a couple of days the temperature normalizes, then increases rapidly again. A rash also tends to cover the entire body during this stage.
According to the NIAID, one of the best ways to avoid getting Dengue Fever is to take precautions to avoid being bitten by mosquitoes since they carry the disease. The NIAID advises people to wear mosquito repellent, wear long-sleeved shirts, long pants, socks and shoes, as well as keeping screen windows and doors closed. There is no treatment for Dengue Fever, so sufferers tend to focus on relieving symptoms as they arise and letting the fever run its course. Rest and drinking plenty of fluids are important, as well as taking acetaminophen, such as Tylenol for headache and joint pain.