About Treating Strep Throat
Strep throat can cause serious illness if it is not properly treated. Because of this, it was once common for doctors to treat a sore throat as strep throat before tests had confirmed the diagnosis. Now, faster tests and concern about misuse of antibiotics (which can cause resistant strains of bacteria) mean you won't be put on antibiotics until a doctor confirms you have strep.
Initial signs of strep throat vary but usually you will have a very sore throat and fever. Swallowing may be difficult or painful and you may feel generally unwell. If you look at your throat in the mirror, you may notice redness, inflammation, and white/yellow pus pockets on the tonsils and back of the throat. You may also notice a foul odor.
Your doctor will give you a rapid strep test (which gives results in a few minutes) and may also take a throat culture to confirm the diagnosis. (Throat cultures give results in one to two days.)
Since bacteria cause strep throat, treatment includes antibiotics. Penicillin has long been the preferred antibiotic for killing streptococcal bacteria. If you are allergic to penicillin, your doctor may instead prescribe erythromycin or another kind of antibiotic.
Along with taking prescribed antibiotics, there are many things you can do to assist recovery. You should avoid abrasive, throat-irritating foods. Instead, eat puddings and ice cream and drink nutritional drinks. These will provide calories and nutrition while the throat heals from infection.
Fruit juices are beneficial but the citric acid in orange juice, grapefruit juice and lemonade may irritate the throat. Grape or apple juice is better for people ill with strep throat.
Popsicles are excellent treatment for strep throat. The Popsicle numbs the throat and provides fluids.
Pain relievers will help with throat pain and inflammation. Analgesic throat sprays also provide temporary relief from strep throat pain.
Adults and teens with strep throat may also gargle with warm salt water a few times a day. Salt water helps cleanse and soothe the throat, and provides an aseptic environment that deters bacteria.
Strep is highly contagious and remains contagious until at least a day or two after antibiotic treatment has begun. Prevent Strep throat from spreading by washing your hands frequently and disinfecting hard surfaces, such as doorknobs, counters, or anything else an ill person has touched.
Strep throat can progress to rheumatic fever, a serious disease with long-term, even deadly, effects. Rheumatic fever can permanently damage heart valves.
No matter how much better you may feel, always finish the entire course of antibiotics unless your doctor tells you otherwise. Stopping antibiotics prematurely may cause a severe relapse and create antibiotic-resistant strains of bacteria.
Ask your doctor what pain medicines she recommends for children. You should not give children under 18 aspirin because they could develop Reyes syndrome.