How to Identify Symptoms of Strep Throat

Strep throat is a condition of infection of the throat, caused by the bacteria group A streptococcus (GAS). The throat and tonsils are affected in this infection, which is found most often in small children, but is often experienced by adults as well. Very contagious, the bacteria is spread by direct contact or by playing with other infected children or toys.Caused by the streptococcus bacteria, strep throat infects children through airborne transportation of bacteria or germs on objects such as toys, clothes and hands. Risks for infection increase if other family members have been diagnosed with strep throat. This type of bacteria infection is the most common for this group and type, and may also lead to skin infections or other health problems.Learning how to identify symptoms of strep throat can help prevent its spread to others, especially in school or day care environments.


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      Pay attention to any child or adult complaining of sudden throat pain, sore throat, or pain that seems to worsen when swallowing. This is one of the classic signs of a bacterial infection in the throat or tonsil area.

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      Take the temperature of the person complaining of the sore throat. Often, a bacterial infection will also trigger a fever as the body's immune system kicks in to fight against it.

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      Listen for complaints of headache or general feelings of sickness. Often, strep throat also causes some nausea and vomiting, which may mimic a cold or flu virus. To be on the safe side, schedule a visit for your child or other loved one with a family physician to determine a cause and potential treatments.

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      Feel the neck. Sometimes, swollen glands may be felt in the throat area just below the base of the jaw, on either or both sides of the front of the throat. This is where lymph nodes and glands are located in the throat. With infection, they will often be swollen and very easy to feel.

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      Look inside your throat or inside the throat of your child. In cases of strep infection, the back of the throat will appear bright red. A doctor may even be able to spot the tonsils with white spots on them which signify the presence of pus.

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