How to Prevent Mumps
Things You'll Need
- Vaccine
- Disinfectant spray
- Water
- Soap
- Hand-sanitizer
Get vaccinated. Vaccination is the main way to prevent mumps. The vaccine is available alone or in the combination vaccine of measles-mumps-rubella (MMR). It is usually given at age 15 months, but may also be given to teenagers and adults. Women should not get a vaccination while they are pregnant. Also, people who are severely allergic to eggs should avoid getting vaccinated, since eggs are used in the vaccination.
Avoid exposure from people infected by mumps. Mumps is usually spread from person to person. A person can get exposed to mumps by coughs or sneezes from the infected person. Also, kissing or saliva can spread mumps from person to person. Mumps can be spread several days before a person infected experiences symptoms to several days after the symptoms have gone away.
Disinfect items and surfaces contaminated by the infected person. Since mumps can be spread with the coughs and sneezes of the infected person, it is important to disinfect areas touched by secretions from their nose and throat. Do not leave contaminated areas for other people to catch mumps.
Isolate the infected person. If a person is diagnosed with mumps, make sure the person remains at home while they have their illness. Do not let them go to school or work to infect other people. Keep them in the house.
Wash your hands. A person can prevent mumps by washing their hands well. They should use soap, a hand-sanitizer or a hand gel. You should not just wash your hands with water. You should also teach your children how to wash their hands well. They could bring home the mumps to you.