How to Avoid Getting Tapeworms

Tapeworms are long, segmented worms of the class Cestoda. They are parasitic worms that require a host to reach sexual maturity. About 8 species use human hosts, with Taenia solium being the most common. Tapeworms usually require one or more intermediate hosts and human fecal contamination is also needed to sustain their life cycle. The following steps will show how to avoid tapeworm infections.


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      Wash hands thoroughly with warm soap and water after using the toilet and before handling food. This is the single most important part of preventing tapeworm infections because tapeworms are spread through a fecal-oral route.

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      Take additional precautions while traveling, especially to areas where tapeworm infections are endemic. Drink only bottled water if possible. Otherwise, water should be boiled for 1 minute before drinking. Raw fruits and vegetables should be washed with clean water.

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      Dispose of human feces properly. The exposure of animals, especially livestock to human feces contaminated with tapeworm must be eliminated in order to break the life cycle. De-worm pets and livestock regularly and prevent them from being bitten by infected fleas.

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      Cook meat thoroughly so that the center reaches a temperature of more than 150 degrees. Pigs are the intermediate hosts for Taenia solium, also known as the pork tapeworm. Freeze meat and fish for at least 12 hours to kill tapeworm cysts and 24 hours to kill larva.

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      Use anthelmintic drugs as a prophylaxis in some cases, especially in endemic areas.

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