How to Prevent Q Fever
Receive a commercial vaccine called Q-Vax for Q fever if you are in Australia. Consult with the U.S. Army Medical Research Institute of Infectious Diseases to receive an investigational vaccine in the United States.
Treat Q fever early to keep it from becoming chronic. Initiate a five-day prophylactic therapy of doxycycline or tetracycline during the first 8 to 12 days of exposure.
Dispose of potentially infectious animal products thoroughly and disinfect contaminated areas with soap and water. Decontamination also may be accomplished with a half hour exposure to solutions of 70 percent ethanol, 5 percent hydrogen peroxide or 5 percent quaternary ammonium.
Wash your hands thoroughly after disposing of animal products. This is especially important for people at risk for Q fever such as farmers and veterinarians.
Use appropriate precautions around farm animals, especially pregnant ones. Pasteurize milk as a possible preventative for Q fever and avoid unpasteurized milk or milk products. Ensure that sheep used for research purposes are seronegative.