How to Diagnose Staff Infection
Staff is a normal germ found on the skin. When it gets into open cuts, scrapes or abrasions, it can cause staff infection, which can be deadly if left untreated. The best measure to take is prevention. Wash all skin abrasions with soap and warm water. Wash clothing or equipment that comes into contact with the skin. If this fails to work, follow these steps to diagnose staff infection.Instructions
Check the hair follicles. Staff infection may cause white pus-filled bumps on the hair follicles. Theses are itchy and often form in shaved areas or in areas that clothing rubs against.
Look for boils. This is staff infection that is deep within the hair follicles. It leaves large red inflammations usually found on the neck or face.
Examine the eyelids for sties. This is staff infection of the eyelash follicles. It causes a red bump on the eyelid that is painful.
Glance at your child's face for impetigo. This is staff infection that children get around their nose and mouth from frequent rubbing or wiping. It causes scabby red skin and painful blisters.
Take a quick look at the whole body for abscesses. These are sores that are swollen and full of puss.