Inflamed Testicles
Things You'll Need
- Ibuprofen
- Ice-pack (or ice wrapped in a cloth)
- Snug fitting boxer shorts
Check for symptoms of orchitis, which, according to eMedicine Health, include a red or purple tint to the inflamed testicle, blood in the semen and groin pain. Additional general symptoms include fever, vomiting and nausea, and generally ill health.
Seek medical attention if your symptoms sound like orchitis. According to Dr. Mark B Mycyk, associate professor at the Boston University School of Medicine, ultrasound is used most by doctors to confirm the diagnosis of orchitis. Ultrasound also is used to ensure the patient doesn't have testicular torsion, a similar condition. A sample of discharge from the urethra may be taken determine the presence of bacteria consistent with orchitis. Mumps related orchitis is the most common cause, but the condition could also be bacterial.
Get examined for a sexually transmitted disease if you believe you are at risk. STD causes for orchitis include gonorrhea, chlamydia and syphilis. If you have an STD, a course of antibiotics represents the main form of treatment.
Take paracetemol or any over-the-counter painkiller to ease discomfort. According to Wrong Diagnosis, other treatments could include anitbiotics, or treatment of the underlying cause of the orchitis (such as mumps or STDs). Remember to check the label with any medication you take, ensuring there is no potential for a reaction with other medication you are using. Discuss any doubts you have with your doctor.
Wear snug boxer shorts as anything to support your testicles will increase overall comfort. Expect some discomfort as orchitis takes around 10 days to clear up.
Use ice packs covered with a towel or cloth to reduce the swelling. Dr. Mark B Mycyk recommends this in his Medscape article, as well as bed rest. Covering the ice pack safeguards against developing cold burns on your testicles, the last thing you need when you're already experiencing testicular pain. Keep the ice pack on for around 10 minutes at a time, and apply it throughout the day in the early stages of orchitis.