You want to now what is nursing diagnosis for dengue fever?
* Inadequate fluid intake
* Increased fluid loss (e.g., vomiting, diarrhea, diaphoresis)
Impaired skin integrity related to:
* Petechiae
* Ecchymoses
* Pruritus
Acute pain related to:
* Myalgia
* Arthralgia
* Headache
Nausea related to:
* Gastritis
* Gastroparesis
Vomiting related to:
* Gastritis
* Gastroparesis
Diarrhea related to:
* Viral gastroenteritis
Hyperthermia related to:
* Viral infection
* Dehydration
Fatigue related to:
* Viral infection
* Dehydration
Anxiety related to:
* Uncertainty about illness
* Fear of complications
Knowledge deficit related to:
* Dengue fever transmission
* Symptoms of dengue fever
* Treatment of dengue fever
* Prevention of dengue fever