What is stat infection?
Stat infections can have various sources, including:
1. Hospital-acquired infections (HAIs): These are infections that patients acquire while receiving treatment in a hospital or other healthcare facility. Common examples include infections of the urinary tract, bloodstream, surgical site, lungs, and gastrointestinal tract.
2. Procedure-related infections: These occur as a result of medical procedures or interventions, such as surgeries, intravenous line insertions, or catheterization. These infections can arise due to contamination of the instruments, devices, or the patient's body during the procedure.
3. Device-associated infections: This refers to infections related to the use of medical devices or implants that remain in the body for an extended period. Examples include infections associated with pacemakers, joint replacements, or catheters.
4. Healthcare worker-associated infections: These occur when healthcare workers unintentionally transmit infections to patients during the course of providing care. Examples include infections caused by improper hand hygiene or contaminated personal protective equipment (PPE).
Stat infections raise concerns because they can lead to additional complications, prolong hospitalization, increase healthcare costs, and in severe cases, even contribute to adverse patient outcomes. Preventing stat infections is a top priority in healthcare facilities, requiring rigorous infection control practices, adherence to proper hygiene protocols, and the continuous monitoring and surveillance of infection rates.