What is plan in the future Fever 1793?

The future of the Philadelphia Museum of Art's blockbuster exhibition "Fever 1793" includes plans to expand the show's reach both digitally and physically. Here are a few upcoming developments related to the exhibition:

Online Resources: The museum plans to launch an expanded digital platform and online companion for the exhibition, offering comprehensive insights into the history and significance of the 1793 yellow fever epidemic in Philadelphia. This digital initiative aims to make the exhibition's content more accessible to wider audiences around the world.

Traveling Exhibition: Following its successful run in Philadelphia, "Fever 1793" is scheduled to travel to other museums across the United States and potentially internationally. This will allow more visitors to experience the exhibition and learn about this pivotal event in American history.

Publications: The museum will publish a catalogue or other publications that accompany the exhibition, providing in-depth analysis and historical context for the events depicted. These publications will contribute to the ongoing scholarship on the 1793 yellow fever epidemic and its lasting impact on Philadelphia and society as a whole.

Educational Programs: The museum will continue to offer educational programs and resources related to the exhibition. This may include lectures, workshops, and hands-on activities designed for students, educators, and community members to engage with the history of the epidemic and explore the themes raised by the exhibition.

By expanding the reach of "Fever 1793" through digital initiatives, traveling exhibitions, publications, and educational programs, the Philadelphia Museum of Art aims to ensure that the legacy and lessons of the 1793 yellow fever epidemic continue to be understood, remembered, and studied for generations to come.

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