Should you go to the doctor if have a yeast infection?
1. Persistent or Recurring Infections: If your yeast infection persists for more than a week despite proper treatment, or if you experience recurrent infections (four or more in a year), it's essential to consult a doctor. Persistent infections can be a sign of an underlying medical condition, such as diabetes or a weakened immune system.
2. Severe Symptoms: If the symptoms of your yeast infection are severe or bothersome, it's worth visiting a doctor for proper assessment and treatment. Severe itching, burning, pain during intercourse, or unusual vaginal discharge require medical attention.
3. Pregnancy: If you have a yeast infection during pregnancy, it's crucial to consult a doctor before taking any medications. Certain antifungal medications are contraindicated during pregnancy, and your doctor can recommend the safest treatment options.
4. Underlying Health Conditions: If you have any underlying health conditions, such as diabetes, a compromised immune system, or a history of sexually transmitted infections, it's important to see a doctor for yeast infection treatment.
5. No Improvement with Over-the-Counter Treatments: If you've tried over-the-counter yeast infection treatments but haven't experienced any improvement, it's advisable to see a doctor for further evaluation and alternative treatment options.
6. Allergic Reactions: If you experience any signs of an allergic reaction, such as hives, swelling, difficulty breathing, or dizziness after using over-the-counter yeast infection medications, seek immediate medical attention.
7. Men and Boys: Yeast infections are typically associated with women, but men and boys can also develop them. If you're a male experiencing yeast infection symptoms, it's essential to see a doctor for appropriate diagnosis and treatment.
Remember that while most yeast infections can be self-treated, seeking medical advice is always recommended if you have any concerns, unusual symptoms, or underlying health conditions. A doctor can provide the most appropriate and effective treatment plan based on your individual situation.