How do I Make Good Mosquito Repellent for Indian Dengue?

Dengue fever is a serious and potentially fatal tropical disease transmitted by the Aedes mosquito, which breeds in standing water. In most parts of India, the riskiest time for dengue and other mosquito-borne diseases is after the monsoon season, corresponding to autumn in North America, although when traveling on the subcontinent, it is wise to carry mosquito repellent year-round. Symptoms usually appear three to five days after the sting and include high fever, skin rash, headache, nausea and severe muscle and joint pain. Since there is no vaccine and only the symptoms, not the disease itself, can be treated, discouraging mosquitoes from biting is your only protection. Repellents containing DEET or Picaridin are effective but not everyone wants to use synthetic chemicals. However, studies have shown that essential oils derived from some plants, including the neem tree, a relative of mahogany native to India, also make mosquitoes turn up their stingers at you. In India, the medicinal and pesticidal properties of the neem tree have been known and used in traditional Ayurvedic and Unani medicines for millennia.

Things You'll Need

  • 1/4 cup vodka
  • 1/2 cup apple cider vinegar
  • 2 tbsp neem oil
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  1. How to Make Mosquitoes Buzz Off

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      Do a patch test. Massage a dab of oil into the skin of your wrist and wait 24 hours. If you have an allergic reaction, try another kind of oil.

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      Make sure you can live with the smell. Indians find the scent of neem to be clean, "green" and refreshing, but if you don't care for it, you might avoid using or reapplying the repellent as advised, thereby defeating the purpose. You can adjust the odor by mixing in another kind of botanical oil.

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      Pour the ingredients into a jar or bottle and shake well until the solution emulsifies.

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      Rub or spray onto clean, fragrance-free skin and clothing. Botanical repellents work by tricking mosquitoes into believing that you are a species of vegetation they find obnoxious. On the other hand, they are attracted by scented toiletries like soap, shampoo, deodorant, cologne, aftershave--even scented fabric softeners and dryer sheets. Don't send mixed messages.

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      Keep your head covered in danger areas. Making sure your hat is well steeped in the solution eliminates the need to rub repellent into your hair and scalp but don't neglect hairline skin.

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      Don't tempt fate. The mosquito is the most dangerous animal on earth, responsible for more annual human fatalities than all others combined. When in India, if you think that there are too many mosquitoes around, don't give them a chance to penetrate your defenses--get out of harm's way.

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