Sources of Ringworm
Bedding and clothes
Pinworms leave the rectum while you sleep to deposit eggs outside the anus. This leads to scratching, then the eggs travel to fingernails, clothes and bedding. Changing night clothes every evening and washing sheets at least once a week lowers the risk of transmission. Bathe in the morning to remove any laid eggs from the previous evening.
Toys and office supplies
Pinworm infestations are more common with children because of toys help spread the eggs. However, office supplies are also transportation vehicles for eggs to adhere to their next host. Eggs can maintain moisture even in dry, dusty environments and can survive up to two weeks. Rigorous hand washing is the best way to avoid pinworms. Child care workers should keep children's mouthing of toys to a minimum. Daily sanitizing lowers the chances for transmission of pinworms.
Doorknobs and light switches
Pinworms can easily transfer to a doorknob or light switch from one carrier and then move to a new host. Eggs adhere to most surfaces and move efficiently from inanimate surfaces to living bodies through touch. Keep these surfaces sanitized as well as using barriers, like tissues or paper towels, to open and close doors and flip light switches when possible.
Public surfaces are prime sources for spreading pinworms. Faucets offer a moist environment, creating a particularly hospitable home for pinworm eggs. Barriers should be used to turn faucets on and off; sanitizing lowers contamination risks. Drying faucets after use also helps destroy eggs and their environment.