Names of Different Species of Roundworms
Ascariasis worms grow to be over a foot long, according to the Mayo Clinic. These worms infect humans who come into direct contact with soil that is contaminated with ascariasis eggs. Small children develop this parasitic infection more often than adults, because they are more likely to play in dirt and stick their fingers in their mouths.
After ingestion, the ascariasis eggs hatch into larvae inside the intestines. They pierce small holes through the intestinal wall and make their way through the body. They spend about a week maturing inside the lungs, and then make their way back to the intestines.
Symptoms of an ascariasis infection include coughing and wheezing, as well as stomach pain, weight loss, nausea and diarrhea. In some cases, worms may come out of the nose, mouth or other body openings. Surgery may be necessary if a large mass of worms creates an intestinal obstruction.
Larval hookworms enter the body by penetrating skin that comes in direct contact with contaminated soil (e.g., by walking barefoot), or when a person accidentally ingests dirt that contains hookworm larvae. According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), children are at high risk of hookworm infection because they often play outside in bare feet.
The earliest symptom is an itchy rash at the site where the larvae penetrated the body, which is usually on the hands or the bottom of the feet. Later symptoms include stomach pain, weight loss and anemia.
According to eMedicine Health, pinworms are the most common worm infection in the United States. This parasite frequently affects children between 5 and 10 years old. Unlike many other types of roundworm, pinworms are not spread by animals; they only infect humans.
The primary symptom of a pinworm infection is intense itching in the rectal area, particularly at night. Worms are sometimes visible in the bedding, on the anus, or in the stool after a bowel movement. The condition is relatively harmless, and does not cause severe side effects other than loss of sleep.
Pinworms spread when infected people touch or scratch their rectal area and then touch external objects. Other people who touch these objects may accidentally ingest the eggs and become infected.