Salmonella in Rodents
Symptoms in Rodents
According to website Pet MD, pet rats and other rodents become infected with salmonella when they eat contaminated food or come in contact with objects that are contaminated with the salmonella bacteria. The symptoms of infection are diarrhea, a swollen belly and weight loss. The disease usually leads to death.
Symptoms in Humans
The symptoms of salmonella infection for humans are diarrhea, fever and stomach cramps. The disease can also include muscle pains, fever, headache and bloody stool. The Mayo Clinic website indicates that most people recover within a week without the need for medical intervention, but in rare instances serious complications can develop.
Avoiding Infection
The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention website suggests washing hands with soap and water after handling rodents or cleaning their cages. Children should be supervised around pet rodents. They should not kiss rodents or hold them close to their mouths. Do not handle pets in areas where food is prepared.