Silver Oxide for Fungus
Silver oxide's anti-fungal properties have long been recognized but only more recently included as part of an ointment applied to human skin tissue. Until this development, silver oxide was used as an antibacterial agent for concrete (use 1 lb. silver oxide per cubic yard if you're building a pool), incorporated into some infection-resistant surgical fabric materials, and in public and private pools, spas and fountains.
Aidance Skin Care markets several anti-bacterial and anti-fungal products containing silver oxide. The company's literature promotes its silver oxide as "Electron Active Silver Oxide." Marketed under the brand name Terrasil, the company explains that it is a "unique molecule" made up of four atoms of silver and four atoms of oxygen and says that the silver oxide compound has received six patents. Terrasil is a "Multi-purpose topical ointment," according to Aidance. It is usually combined with JoJoba, among other agents, for soothing itches, burns and stings.
The Average Consumer
To the average consumer, the number of atoms of silver and oxygen mean little if anything. The only known head-to-head independent testing for the effectiveness of one of Aidance products, Pedi-Cure, was performed by Nail Solution on toe fungus. It ranked third among all products Nail Solution tested, receiving three of five stars for effectiveness. The other two higher ranked products were ZetaClear and Nail RX.
The federal Environmental Protection Agency has rated silver oxide as a category 4 safety ranking for its use in pool water and concrete. Category 4 is considered the safest ranking by the EPA. The Food and Drug Administration, however, has not made any certification of Aidance products because, according to the company website, Terrasil is governed by voluntary guidelines established between the FDA and the Cosmetic, Toiletry & Fragrance Association (CTFA). Since Terrasil makes no "curative claims" it is exempt from FDA regulation. The silver oxide products are "intended for the cleansing, beautifying and moisturizing of the human body," according to the company's literature. It is harmful if taken internally.
Silver oxide in various forms is a highly volatile compound when interacting with other chemicals and high heat. For example, it will ignite on contact with sulfur, red phosphorous, sulfides of antimony and arsenic and other easily oxidized substances. As such, silver oxide should not come into contact with cotton, paper towels and rags. Lastly, it forms extremely explosive crystals when dissolved with ammonia (even when wet). None of this is to say that the Aidance products are unsafe. Quite to the contrary. However, a word of caution is in order should you use and like the products. It is ill advised to try to mix your own concoction with silver oxide given its highly volatile nature.