What Are the Symptoms of a Pinworm Infection?
Cause of Symptoms
Nightly anal and/or vaginal itching is the most common symptom associated with a pinworm infection. Pinworms are a type of parasite that spend most of their time in the human rectum. They are small, thin and white---about the size of a staple. They are also referred to as seatworms or threadworms. At night, the female pinworms leave the rectum and lay their eggs on the skin around the anus. This is the cause of the anal itching. People are infected with pinworms when they ingest the eggs. The eggs are infective for two to three weeks and can be found on bedsheets, clothes, hands and under fingernails. According to the CDC, the eggs are also small enough to become airborne, allowing people to become infected by breathing them in.
While the most common symptom of a pinworm infection is anal and/or vaginal itching, there are less frequent symptoms, such as irritability, upset stomach, insomnia or loss of appetite. It is also possible to have no symptoms of a pinworm infection. If a child is experiencing anal itching during the night, it is likely that he has a pinworm infection. However, the worms or eggs should be observed or collected to verify infection. There are several ways to go about this. You may be able to observe the worms on the anus or clothes of the infected person after two to three hours of sleeping. It is also possible to collect eggs from underneath the fingernails of the infected person if he has been scratching the area. Or you can use clear tape to collect samples of the eggs. Press the sticky side of the tape to the skin surrounding the anus. The eggs must be collected first thing in the morning, before using the bathroom.
Elimination of Symptoms
Pinworms are treated with a tablet, typically given as two or three doses. The medication is available by prescription or over the counter. However, your doctor should always diagnose infection before you seek treatment. To avoid reinfection, enforce strict hand washing rules in your household, launder all clothes and bedding on hot, and avoid scratching the infected area.