Mold and Yeast Infections
Mold and yeast infections have common symptoms such as redness, itchy and burning skin, and visible rashes. Applied Ozone Systems states that other symptoms are depression, fatigue, headaches, muscle pain, upper-respiratory issues, difficulty urinating, irritability and memory loss. If the mold or yeast affects the upper-respiratory tract, you may develop a fungal sinus infection.
Yeast infections are caused by an overgrowth of the body's natural yeast due to lack of beneficial bacteria in the body. For example, a pregnant woman has a greater chance of developing a yeast infection because her immune system is being overworked. A person taking antibiotics also has a greater chance of developing a yeast infection, because the drug kills helpful bacteria that protects the skin. Mold infections are typically caused by breathing in harmful mold spores in the air.
The most effective way to prevent a yeast infection is to maintain a healthy immune system with a well-balanced diet, sleeping eight hours a night, and drinking plenty of liquids daily. Keeping the home free of visible mold, and using a HEPA air filter will help prevent airborne mold spores from entering the atmosphere in your home.
Mold infections can be more serious than yeast infections. A mold infection treatment begins with removing any visible mold from the infected home. You should not return to your place of residence until the mold is successfully removed. Treat yeast infections with OTC medications, and take a probiotic supplement to restore the body's natural flora, according to the Mayo Clinic.
Both mold and yeast thrive in humid conditions. Avoid exposure to high humidity by keeping a dry home with a dehumidifier. Fungi also feed on sugars and carbohydrates. You should avoid high-sugar foods, and eat yeast-free foods such as fruits and vegetables. Avoid breads, fermented beverages, and other highly processed foods.