How to Live With Enterobacter Cloacae
Understand the primary purpose of Enterobacter cloacae. In order to live with Enterobacter cloacae, you should know how it functions in the process of digestion. Enterobacter cloacae is present within the intestine, where it helps to break down the components of the food and to enable you to absorb the nutrients. Enterobacter clocae is often found within waste.
Know how Enterobacter cloacae causes disease. Enterobacter cloacae causes disease by escaping from the gastrointestinal tract and penetrating the other parts of the body. Enterobacter cloacae can also enter these areas through open wounds. The bacteria then multiply, and cause a severe infection.
Understand the factors that put you at risk for becoming infected with Enterobacter cloacae. Open wounds, gastric ulcers, immunosuppression and the use of contaminated intravenous instruments, such as catheters represent such risks.
Take measures to reduce the risk of infection. For example, always put bandages over open wounds, obtain the proper treatment for gastric ulcers, do not take any unnecessary medication that will suppress your immune system and always use sterilized catheters.
Learn the symptoms of Enterobacter cloacae. The infections that result from Enterobacter cloacae are often fatal, therefore, you should know some of the basic symptoms in order to be vigilant in seeking immediate treatment. Symptoms include persistent pain in the infected area, fever and swelling.