TB Shot Side Effects
The Vaccine Adverse Event Reporting System is a vaccine safety surveillance group formed by the CDC and the Food and Drug Administration. According to their data, fever is the most common complaint with the TB shot. Of those who reported side effects, 31.72 percent experienced fever.
Gastrointestinal side effects reported include nausea, vomiting and diarrhea. Vomiting was the most commonly reported of these symptoms, by 5.6 percent of those who reported side effects. Nausea was reported by 4.48 percent, and diarrhea was reported by 3.36 percent.
Flulike Symptoms
While "influenza-like illness" is listed as a side effect, there are also separate symptoms that are common to flu. Cough and chills were the most common, reported by 11.19 percent and 8.21 percent, respectively, of those who reported side effects. Headaches were reported in 4.1 percent.
Some of the respiratory side effects reported overlap as well. The most commonly reported respiratory issue was increased respiratory rate, which 6.34 percent of those who reported side effects reported. Other symptoms reported were upper respiratory tract infection, respiratory tract infection, lung disorder and rhinitis (sinus inflammation). The most serious respiratory side effect reported was pneumonia.
Severe Side Effects
The National Institutes of Health warns that if you have any of these symptoms to immediately seek medical help: severe skin rash; difficulty breathing or swallowing; or wheezing. Severe but rare reactions reported by The Royal Adelaide Hospital in South Australia are: an abscess at the site of injection; bone infection; severe allergic reactions; serious infection that spreads to other parts of the body; and death (estimated risk less than 1 in 10 million).