How to Prevent Transferring Hepatitis C
Don't share personal items. This includes toothbrushes, nail clippers, razors or any other item that may come into contact with a person's blood.
Always have safe sex. Maintain a monogamous relationship. Get assurance that your partner is healthy before you have sex. Use a condom during sex.
Don't use intravenous drugs. If you do and can't quit, get help for your addiction. In the meantime, avoid sharing needles and other drug paraphernalia.
Be selective about where you get tattoos and body piercings. Find out if the people running the establishment are properly cleaning their equipment. Check to see if the staff is using sterile needles.
Get tested for hepatitis C. This is especially important if you are in one of the high risk-groups. This includes HIV patients, intravenous drug users and medical personnel who have been exposed to infected blood, according to the Mayo Clinic. People who have had an organ transplant or drug transfusions before 1992 are also at risk.