How to Find a Successful Fungal Nail Treatment
Fungal nail infection is actually called Onchomycosis or Ringworm of the nail and can affect the finger or toe nails. Causes are not always known but some suggested ones are, Candida overgrowth in the body, compromised immune system, family history, repeated trauma to the nail, tight shoes, hot, humid conditions preventing air from getting to feet, walking barefoot in public pool and water areas, (although it is not highly contagious) and poor blood circulation.
Things You'll Need
- Any of these items:
- Epsom Salts
- MSM Sulfur powder
- Borax
- Baking Soda
- Tea Tree oil
- Grapefruit Seed extract
- Vinegar
~~Eliminate Causes of nail fungus~~
Changing your diet is the first place to start to eliminate the conditions it thrives in and to help in the treatment of nail fungus. Minimize or cut out sugar, pop, alcohol, bad carbs, and greasy junk foods. Add more raw vegetables, cultured probiotic foods such as yogurt, kifer, cultured vegetables, raw coconut, flax seed, and anti fungal herbs and teas.
~~Keep Nails Filed Down~~
File the nails down to keep the fungus from spreading deeper into the nail bed, this allows the anti fungal treatment to work in the hard to reach area under the nail, also.
~~Soak Hand or Feet Nails Often~~
Soaking the nails affected by fungus in Epsom salts, MSM sulphur powder, or white vinegar, has proven to be a very effective fungal nail treatment. If you cannot get the other things, just use the Epsom salts as they are quite helpful alone. Soak them in the hottest water you can stand at least once a day, but soaking them more often is going to speed up the healing process. Put the Epsom salts along with sulphur powder right on the nails to be most effective and dry thoroughly after they soak. They will be dry and you can rub a little organic coconut oil on for moisture, which is an excellent natural anti fungal.
Fungi love moist, hot areas so try to keep feet in the open air as much as possible. MSM powder is available at most health food stores.
~~Wear Cotton Socks~~
Cotton socks are best for air circulation as nail fungus thrives on moisture. There are cotton wicking socks that are excellent for letting air get to your feet and keeping moisture at bay. Change socks after every soak to avoid spreading the nail fungus. Also, keep your feet or hand our from under the covers when sleeping to air them out. Take an older pair of socks and cut out the toe area if your feet get too cold being out all night.
~~Use Anti Fungal Treatments~~
There are many anti fungal nail treatment powders, sprays and creams on the market for nail fungus that can be used on the fungal nails. The natural ones include sulfur powder, Borax or baking soda. Try to wear sandals as much as possible so air can get to the feet regularly.
Other successful anti fungal treatments include Eucalyptus oil, Vicks Vapor Rub, Tea Tree oil, oil of Oregano, and Grapefruit Seed extract. Use caution with sprays and ointments that contain chemicals as prolonged use of these can damage the liver. -
~~Get the Latest Successful Fungal Nail Treatment by Laser~~
The latest fungal nail treatment came out in 2008 and is having a high percentage of success. The painless laser method takes about a half hour and actually penetrates through the nail. The treatment is not covered by insurance and is expensive, so this may not be the best option for many people but hopefully will become more affordable in the future.