Signs & Symptoms of Cerebral Malaria
Important Symptoms
Cerebral malaria is a very common condition found in adults as well as children. According to the Annals of Tropical Pediatrics, there will be high fever with chills and shivering, headache, a drop in blood pressure, postural changes and muscle pain. Consciousness is affected drastically. There will be convulsions and abnormal muscle tone and posture, and corneal and tendon reflexes may become negligible. Coma may persist for one to three days, and the patient may be aroused initially, but later may become unresponsive.
Important Signs
The red blood cells may break down, leading to hemorrhage and bleeding. Anemia may occur. There may be associated blood in urine, jaundice, an enlarged and painful (tender) liver and spleen, and kidney failure.
Neurological Signs
There will be a rise in intracranial pressure, confusion, delirium, seizures, one-sided paralysis and eventually coma. Cerebral malaria should be treated immediately as it becomes a life-threatening infection within one to three days of its onset.