Colloidal Silver for Bacterial Infections

Colloidal silver is used to treat a number of diseases and conditions. Although it is not approved by the FDA, many people take colloidal silver as a natural supplement to boost the immune system and fight bacterial infections.
  1. Benefits

    • Colloidal silver can be effective in boosting the immune system and aid in killing over 650 types of bacteria-borne infections, according to


    • Colloidal silver works by disabling the enzyme that allows bacteria to metabolize oxygen, therefore causing the bacteria to suffocate, according to Kelly Colloidal Silver.


    • Collodial silver is a suspension of silver particles in water. A substance in colloidal suspension is not fully dissolved but does not settle out of suspension.


    • An eight-ounce bottle of colloidal silver can sell for around $20 or more.

    Fun Fact

    • Colloidal silver was added to the water supply of both the Mir and International Space Stations.

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