Hot Tubs & Sinus Infections
The disinfectants used to sanitize hot tubs can cause inflammation. Even if you don't accidentally inhale water, inhaling the chemicals can cause sinus inflammation. Chlorine is particularly irritating for many people's sinuses.
Sinus Infections
Once the irritants have caused inflammation, the sinuses are prone to bacteria build up due to less efficient drainage. Also, the cilia, or hair-like lining of the nasal passage, may also be slowed from the exposure to chlorine. This further impedes mucus drainage.
Make sure the hot tub is at the correct pH level. The more balanced the water condition, the less disinfectant will be able to be inhaled.
If you get sinus infections frequently you may want to limit time in or avoid hot tubs. Another possibility is to use a nasal irrigation device after using a hot tub. Nasal irrigation reduces inflammation in the sinuses, which may lower your chances of infection.
Chronic sinus infections may be a sign of a suppressed immune system or an underlying sinus condition. Fungal sinus infections tend to recur until they are treated by a doctor or surgeon. Immune-related sinus infections can be fatal.