Cures for Internal Fungus
Internal Fungal Infections
Though yeast more commonly infects areas such as the mouth or vagina, it may also cause an infection of the intestines. Yeast grows naturally in the intestines, kept in check by our body's immune system. However, when this system fails to work properly, such as after a heavy dose of antibiotics, yeast may grow out of control and produce an infection.
Aspergrillus is a fungus found mainly on dead organic matter such as leaves or compost piles. Most of the time, our immune system will prevent its infection. If not, it will attack the lungs resulting in pneumonia or, in certain individuals, fungus ball (aspergrilloma).
Cryptococcus inhabits soil naturally but can be inhaled. This fungus may cause serious diseases such as meningitis, and is a common threat for immuno-compromised individuals, like those with AIDS. In most healthy individuals, however, the body is capable of preventing an infection.
Herbal/Alternative Cures
For yeast infections and other fungi that aren't potentially life-threatening, many antifungal herbs exist in nature that can eradicate an infection. The best known is garlic, which can cure a variety of ailments from colds to vaginal yeast. You can eat garlic raw or mix it with your food. Garlic also will help build your immune system to prevent further infections and ailments.
You may also want to try chamomile, barberry, oregano or cloves. These are common herbs that can be found at most grocery stores. Make them into a strong tea or tincture; then drink daily.
The presence of probiotics, or “good” bacteria, in your body is vital for your immune system's strength. Since our immune system can usually prevent a serious fungal infection, keeping it strong is crucial. Probiotics can easily be depleted, especially when we take antibiotics, which kill any and all bacteria encountered. This actually weakens our immune system over time and requires the probiotics to be replenished. Many sources exist, like yogurt and other enriched dairy products. Kefir is another excellent source. Simply eating probiotic-laden foods will provide your body with its much-needed “good” bacteria.
Antifungal Medication
Most fungal infections can be treated with medication. The type of infection you have determines the type of medication your doctor may prescribe. For example, amphotericin may treat yeast infections of the mouth and throat, while voriconazole may treat systemic (deep organ) yeast infections.
Prescription fungicides may be more costly than herbal or home remedies, but in certain cases they're well worth it. Some infections, like cryptococcosis, may even require medications to prevent further complications or damage. Amphotericin B as well as flucazonale can be used for this particular fungus, though the former carries potentially severe side effects.