Cat Scratch Remedies
Cats transmit the bacteria bartonella henselae (which they may get from fleas) through their saliva to humans, causing a human to develop cat scratch fever. Children usually develop the condition more than adults, though no one is immune.
Wherever a cat bit or scratched you, a small blister or bump will form in that area. Within two to three days, you will see an area of redness develop, increasing in size over several days. Your lymph nodes become tender and swell, and this could last for three weeks or more. Until you heal, you may experience a fever, headache, loss of appetite, rash and sore throat.
As long as you're certain that your swelling stems from a cat bite or scratch, you can take over-the-counter products such as aspirin, ibuprofen and naproxen in the interim, to relieve any discomfort or pain you experience. If you're not certain that a cat caused your swelling, consult your doctor.
If you have a fever for a lengthy period of time or your lymph nodes do not heal and remain swollen for two to three months, you also should consult your physician. He may give you an antibiotic or suggest draining the node if it's large and painful.
Home Remedies
You can try some oral and topical home remedies for a mild case of cat scratch fever. Add an equal mix of baking soda and sea salt to glass of warm water, stir and drink the mix twice daily. The mixture helps reduce swelling by eliminating toxins and helping your lymph nodes operate properly.
Mix lavender oil and sunflower oil and massage the mix onto your swollen area two to three times daily. You should see a reduction in pain and swelling after using this remedy.
Heat compresses also will help lessen any pain arising from swelling. After saturating a cloth with warm water, squeeze the excess water from the cloth and put it on your swollen area.