Untreated Toe Fungus Disease

Fungal nail infections are fairly common in adults. They occur more often in the toenails than the fingernails. Although fungal nail infections are not a serious health issue, if left untreated, some complications can occur.
  1. Symptoms

    • Symptoms of a fungal toenail infection include brittle, crumbling, thickened, discolored, or detached toenails. The nail may also change shape, have debris trapped underneath it, or lose its luster or shine.

    Risk Factors

    • Since fungi thrive in warm, moist places, they can often be found in swimming pools, gyms or public showers. Wearing closed shoes or incurring minor injuries may also increase your risk of developing a fungal toenail infection.


    • Toenail fungal infections are often treated by oral prescription antifungal medications or by toenail removal. Over-the-counter lotions and creams usually prove ineffective.


    • Untreated toenail fungus may cause permanent nail damage, the spread of fungal infection to other areas of the body, or skin infections such as paronychia.


    • Paronychia is an infection of the skin around the nails. It is characterized by red, swollen tender skin around the nail, and may involve pus-filled blisters. Rarely, paronychia can spread an infection to your bones, tendons or blood.

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