Home Cures for Pinworms
Before trying home cures, consult your doctor. If she advises home cures, use garlic, an effective oral or topical cure for pin worms.
Make a paste by grinding garlic and mixing less than half a pinch with petroleum jelly. To help reduce itching and kill eggs, apply the paste on the anal region.
After peeling one head of garlic (two to three heads if you are 20 years old or older), cut into fine pieces and mix with a glass of milk. Heat the mix to boil, cover with a blanket and let it sit overnight. Filter the mix and drink 30 minutes before breakfast. Perform two more additional treatments.
To prepare a garlic extract, mix 300 g fine-cut garlic pieces with 300 ml vodka and place the mix in a dark setting for seven days. Filter the extract and take three times daily with half a glass of cold milk (in the morning, before lunch and before bed). Take one drop of the extract, and increase the dosage by one drop with each ingestion.
Once you have taken 24 drops, take 24 drops, decreasing dosage by one drop with each ingestion, until you reach one drop. Then, take 24 drops of the extract three times daily until you have consumed the entire mix.
Various seeds act as an effective pinworm home cure. Separate 300 g of dry raw pumpkin seeds (if treating children, 45 g to 150 g, depending on age) into small portions and crush in a bowl. Add 500 ml of water and keep the mixture on a low-heat steam bath for two hours.
Let the mix cool, remove the layer oil and filter the mixture. For one hour, take 1 tbsp of the mix every 15 minutes. Drink a laxative two hours later, then wait two hours and eat a liquidy and thin meal, such as hot oatmeal.
Grind 10 parts flaxseeds and one part cloves, and add the powder to meals or take 1 tsp. For one month--alternating by taking the powder three days on/three days off--take 25 g for every 130 lbs.
Break open 50 g of squash seeds and mix with a glass of boiling water. After boiling the mixture for 15 minutes, pour in a thermos or keep on steam bath for two hours. Filter the extract and take half a glass between two to three daily meals.
Other Home Cures
Other ways to treat pinworms include eating fibrous food such as grains and vegetables, and fruit such as papaya, pumpkins and watermelon.
Eat one cup of grated carrot, or mix the juice with 1 tbsp honey and take 1 tbsp of the mix before breakfast and bed. Eat freshly grated coconut at breakfast, then take castor oil three hours later. Repeat these treatments until you're rid of pinworms.
Hygiene Basics
Maintaining good hygiene helps prevent further pinworm infestation. Scrub fingernails and hands often with anti-bacterial soap, especially before eating and toilet use. Keep fingernails short to keep eggs from sticking underneath.
For temporary relief, pour water on your anal area or wipe with a warm damp cloth. When you bathe or shower daily, clean the skin around the anus to remove eggs.
To prevent reinfection, wash clothes and bedding at least once daily and dry in a heated dryer. Do not fan bedding, as that may release pinworm eggs into the air.