What Is the MRSA Superbug?
According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, MRSA, which stands for methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus, is a type of staph bacteria that is resistant to several different types of antibiotics.
A MRSA infection can cause a fever. The CDC says that most MRSA infections start on the skin, causing the infected area to turn red and swollen and feel warm. The infection can also contain pus and cause a fever.
How You Catch It
Sharing razors can spread MRSA. According to the CDC, MRSA is spread through contact with someone who already has the infection, using a personal item that has come in contact with someone with an infection or by touching a contaminated surface.
Certain antibiotics can kill MRSA infections. Treatment usually involves draining the site of the infection along with the prescription of an antibiotic, according to the CDC. MRSA bacteria is not resistant to all antibiotics and your doctor will be able to prescribe one that will successfully treat the infection.
Washing your hands can help prevent the spread of MRSA. The CDC recommends covering all cuts, washing hands regularly and not sharing personal items to help prevent MRSA infections.