How to Test to See If You Have Mold Poisoning
Schedule an appointment with your physician. You will need to discuss with your doctor your symptoms and have a physical exam to rule out other conditions. To test for mold allergies, your doctor will order skin tests and/or blood tests to see if the allergy can be identified. The skin test will diagnose if you are allergic to specific molds, and the blood test will measure certain antibodies in your bloodstream to measure your immune system's response to mold.
Examine your home for signs of mold. Look for mold growth and smell for a suspicious odor. When mold growth is difficult to locate, test the air inside and outside the house; material samples will be used for testing to determine the extent of the contamination.
Identify the symptoms of conditions that could be a result of mold poisoning, such as respiratory mold allergy. aspergillosis, pneumonitis and sinus headaches. Most are characterized by flu-like symptoms.