Is Removing a Toenail the Only Way to Cure a Nail Fungus?
Prescription Medications
As a first course your physician may prescribe you oral antifungal medications. According to Mayo Clinic, terbinafine (Lamisil) and itraconazole (Sporanos) are the most affective oral medications used to treat toe fungus. If you have diabetes, cellulitis, and pain or discomfort in the nail infection your physician will prescribe you oral medications. These medications promote new nail growth free of infection, and it will replace the disfigured and infected parts of the nail. You will have to take these medications for six 12 weeks, but physicians stress that you wont see the result until the toenail grows out completely. The toe fungal infection usually clears up in four months.
Doctors can also prescribe nail lacquers to eliminate toe fungus. This antifungal lacquer is prescribed for people who have mild to moderate toe fungus. The nail lacquer most prescribed is Penlac (ciclopirox). You have to paint this on the affected toe and skin surrounding the toe once a day. After seven days of applications you will need to wipe off the layers with alcohol and start applying the lacquer again. This medication may have to be used for up to a year to clear certain fungal toe infections.
Topical antifungal medications are also used to combat toe fungus, and can be purchased over-the-counter. You may also be prescribed topical solutions, which your physician may encourage you to use with an over-the-counter antifungal cream or ointment. Although topical medications do not cure the fungal infection itself, it may prove useful if used in conjunction with oral medications. If your physician performs a debridement (filing down of the infected nail) it may increase the effectiveness of the topical medications.
If all else fails or the infection is painful or severe you may have to have the nail surgically removed. After your nail is removed a new nail will grow in its place within a year.
To prevent further episodes of toe fungal infections, keep your nails trimmed and clean. This will stop fungi from having a warm, moist place to breed. Do not wear footwear without socks. Wearing socks will keep your feet dry which will minimize the occurrence of fungal infections. Use antifungal spray or powder, do not go barefoot in public places, do not use artificial nails or nail polish, and wash your hands after touching an infected toe.