Is All Tuberculosis Contagious?
What Bacteria Cause TB?
TB is caused by Mycobacterium tuberculosis, transferred person to person.
Non-Contagious TB
Where TB bacteria live in the body, but the immune system prevents the bacteria from growing, the TB is not contagious. The carrier cannot transfer the TB to someone else, though it is still possible for the TB to become contagious later. The non-contagious form of TB is known as latent or inactive TB.
Contagious TB
Contagious TB occurs whern the TB bacteria live and grow in the body and the immune system cannot stop the bacteria developing. The contagious form of TB is known as active TB.
Symptoms and Identification
Symptoms of contagious TB include abnormal X-rays, sputum, weight loss, night sweats and chills, and identification is through a skin test known as the Mantoux test, sputum test or X-ray. Those with latent TB may not have any symptoms.
The above information is not meant to be a substitute for proper medical assessment, and professional advice should always be sought.