What Are the Symptoms of Creutzfeldt-Jakob Disease?

Classic Creutzfeldt-Jakob disease (CJD) is a hereditary disease. CJD has also been linked to mad cow disease. Generally, CJD leads to dementia and is rapidly progressive. CJD is rare and is a degenerative, fatal brain disorder.
  1. Early Symptoms

    • Early signs of CJD may include imparted vision and difficulty coordinating muscular movements. Generally, in the early stage of CJD an individual may also display signs of impaired memory and exhibit difficulty thinking.

    Middle Stage Symptoms

    • Individuals in middle stages of CJD my exhibit symptoms of depression, personality changes and insomnia.

    Late Stage Symptoms

    • In the late stages of CJD, some individuals my experience symptoms that mimic Alzheimer's disease. Symptoms may include, severe mental impairment, twitching, blindness and spontaneous muscle jerks.


    • Diagnosis of CJD is typically determined by a physical examination. CJD can only be diagnosed with accuracy after death through an autopsy.


    • There is no cure or treatment for CJD. Typically doctors will concentrate on keeping a patient comfortable with pain medication.

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