What Is Typhoid Fever Salmonella?
First Stage
According to the Mayo Clinic, typhoid fever symptoms may appear within one to three weeks of exposure to the Salmonella typhi bacteria and can include abdominal pain, headache and fever as high as 103 to 104 degrees F. Diarrhea, constipation and a skin rash may occur during the first stage of this disease.
Later Stages
Untreated typhoid fever can result in significant weight loss and a distended abdomen. Patients may enter a typhoid state where they become delirious and lie exhausted and motionless with half closed eyes.
Patients with typhoid fever may experience bleeding or perforation of the intestines. Pneumonia, inflammation of the heart muscle and psychiatric problems can develop in people with typhoid fever.
People can become infected with typhoid fever when they are exposed to food or water that has been contaminated by the Salmonella typhi bacteria. Poor sanitation conditions allow this bacteria to spread from the feces and urine of an infected person.
Typhoid fever infections are usually treated with antibiotics. Patients can aid their recovery by drinking fluids and eating high calorie meals.