Post Surgery Incision Infection
Benefits of a Pre-Surgical Discussion
Before a surgical procedure, a physician will discuss surgical reasons and post-surgical expectations. The physician may perform laboratory work to confirm no current infection such as the flu, that may postpone surgery.
Signs of Infection
Patients who develop signs of infection should contact a physician. Some signs of post surgical incision infection may include swelling, redness and pain.
Patient Risks for Infections
Young surgical patients should be closely monitored by parents/guardians for infection control. Older patients can ask a trusted adult for help to reduce infection risks.
Understanding Special Instructions
Follow the physician's instructions for cleansing and managing the incision. Patients should keep the physician's office number near the home telephone to confirm any instructions.
General tips for incision care include avoiding foreign objects such as perfumes, powders and lotions. Ask the physician about methods to reduce infections.