I had an ultrasound and they seen 2 gestational sacs But only one a baby So i was wondering can ultrsounds miss the other or not is still good chance may have twins?
An ultrasound is a very accurate method for detecting multiple pregnancies, and it is very unlikely that the ultrasound missed the other baby if there were two gestational sacs. Multiple gestations can be easy to miss early in a pregnancy. Most missed multiples occur when an ultrasound is performed very early — between four and six weeks. At six weeks, twins' heartbeats can typically be detected. This is an important milestone since there still can be a disappearing twin at this stage. It is possible that the twin is too small to see. In that case, the doctor or sonographer will usually schedule a follow-up ultrasound in a few weeks to check on the development of the pregnancy and to see if there is evidence of twins. However, it is also possible that the pregnancy was originally a twin pregnancy but that one of the embryos stopped developing. This is known as a "vanishing twin" or "missed miscarriage." In this case, the ultrasound may show an empty gestational sac, which is the remnants of the undeveloped embryo.
Overall, it is unlikely that the ultrasound missed the other baby if there were two gestational sacs. However, it is still possible, and the doctor or sonographer will usually schedule a follow-up ultrasound to check on the development of the pregnancy and to see if there is evidence of a missed miscarriage or vanishing twin.