How long does a miscarriage last?

The length of a miscarriage can vary depending on the individual and the specific circumstances. However, there are some general time frames that can provide an approximation.

1. Early Miscarriage: An early miscarriage, also known as a chemical pregnancy, typically occurs within the first 12 weeks of pregnancy and often before a person realizes they are pregnant. It usually lasts only a few days to a couple of weeks and resembles a heavy menstrual period with the passing of tissue and blood clots.

2. Late Miscarriage: A late miscarriage occurs between the 13th and 24th week of pregnancy. It can last several days to a few weeks, with heavier bleeding and more intense cramping compared to an early miscarriage. Some late miscarriages may require medical intervention, such as dilation and curettage (D&C), to remove any remaining tissue.

3. Missed Miscarriage: In a missed miscarriage, the embryo or fetus has stopped developing, but the body does not naturally expel the pregnancy tissue. This type of miscarriage can last several weeks or even months before it is identified and medical management or intervention is sought.

It's essential to remember that every person experiences miscarriage differently, and the physical and emotional impact can vary. It is always advisable to consult a healthcare professional or seek medical attention for guidance and support during a miscarriage.

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