What Can Urologists Do for Low Sperm Count?
Urologists will conduct a series of tests on a patient to determine the cause of low sperm count, and the proper treatment. Doctors also test women to boost female fertility, which helps when the male partner suffers from low sperm count.
Varicocele repair
A swollen vein in the scrotum is often the cause of low sperm count. Surgical repair of the vein can lead to a higher sperm count.
Hormone replacement
If the pituitary gland located in your brain isn't producing the correct levels of hormones, then the correct amount of sperm may not be being produced. The urologist will usually prescribe hormone treatment, which consists of injections of gonadotropin. This is not an immediate treatment, as it can take up to a year of injections to reach normal levels.
In some cases, low sperm count in caused by an infection of the reproductive tract. This will result in the urologist prescribing antibiotics to clear the infection up.
Treatment for low sperm count is effective, but can be a long process. Sometimes trail and error must occur until the right treatment option is found.