Fertility Treatment for PCOS
Clomiphene Citrate and Metformin
Your doctor may prescribe clomiphene citrate, which is commonly known as Clomid or Serophene. Clomiphene citrate is an oral medication that reduces estrogen levels and increases follicle stimulating hormone (FSH) levels, which stimulates ovulation when taken during the beginning of your menstrual cycle. Your doctor may recommend taking clomiphene citrate between days 2 and 6 of your next 3 to 6 menstrual cycles. You may be prescribed a new treatment if clomiphene does not effectively stimulate ovulation as you battle PCOS during this time frame.
Glucophage, commonly known as metformin, reduces insulin resistance. Excessive insulin presence can be an underlying cause of your infertility due to PCOS. In which case, metformin can serve as a supplementary treatment to clomiphene citrate regimen.
Hormonal injection treatments may be necessary if clomiphene citrate and metformin are not effective. Your doctor may inject human chorionic gonadotrophin (hCG), which works like luteinizing hormone (LH) to stimulate follicular egg release. The amount and time of administration are critical, as hCG can block ovulation altogether if given too early in the menstrual cycle.
Human menopausal gonadotrophin (hMC) . Both hGC and hMC are treatments for women who require increases in LH as well as FSH. Your doctor may forgo hGC and hMC injections if your LH levels are high enough, as only FSH is necessary to encourage follicular function in such scenarios.
Outpatient ovarian surgery may be necessary for the most extreme of PCOS-related infertility cases. Ovarian drilling entails the use of a needle to puncture ovarian cysts. Once punctured, the cysts are then treated with electric currents in an attempt to destroy them. These procedures are a last resort fertility treatment because the procedure has a success rate lower than 50 percent. Ovarian drilling also creates additional risks to your fertility, such as possible scar tissue formation.