Can a Blocked Fallopian Tube Be Cured?
Removal and Rejoining
If a woman has had a tubal ligation, has a portion of her fallopian tube damaged by disease or a blockage in the fallopian tube a procedure called a tubal reanastomosis may be performed. In this procedure the affected portion of the fallopian tube is removed. The remaining ends of the fallopian tube are then sewn together to recreate one long tube.
Partial Removal
Typically removing a portion of the fallopian tube without rejoining the ends is only done in women who are trying to get pregnant through in vitro fertilization. This is called a salpingectomy.This procedure is usually done when the fallopian tube is blocked by excessive fluid. Although this procedure does remove the blockage it can reduce a woman's odds of getting pregnant through in vitro fertilization.
New Opening
When a woman has a blockage in the fallopian tube caused by excessive fluid and is not undergoing in vitro fertilization a procedure known as a salpingostomy may be done. This procedure creates a new opening in the fallopian tube close to the ovary so that an egg may pass through. There is a chance that scar tissue may develop around this new opening however and cause the fallopian tube to become blocked again.
Rebuilding End
When a blockage of the fallopian tube exists close to the ovary the fingerlike fibers that transfer the egg from the ovary to the fallopian tube may need to be rebuilt or recreated. When this is the case a procedure called a fimbrioplasty is done to recreate the fringed edges of the fallopian tube so that the egg can be swept into the tube.
A blockage in a fallopian tube can sometimes exist close to the uterus. This is easily repaired with a non-surgical procedure called a cannulation. In this procedure a catheter is placed between the uterus and the fallopian tube. This allows a fertilized egg to enter into the uterus so that it may embed into the uterine wall.
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