Ways to Help Male Infertility
There are many different drugs and medications that can be prescribed for male infertility. While hormones are quite successful for infertile women, they have shown to have effectiveness in men as well, states the Mayo Clinic. Types of hormones include testosterone, human chorionic gonadotropin, clomiphene citrate, menotropins and bromocriptine. Antibiotics can also help treat sexual transmitted diseases and other infections that cause infertility.
Medical professionals believe that having varicose veins in the testicles can cause infertility. Varicose veins cause warm blood to pool, which increases the temperature in the scrotum and reduces sperm count. Doctors use minimally invasive surgical techniques to correct these blocked vessels by inserting a small catheter into the groin, states Medical New Today. Fluid and a tiny platinum coil is injected to the catheter to block off the faulty veins, forcing the blood in the scrotum to take an alternative route.
Your lifestyle can have a dramatic effect on your fertility. Stress has shown to lower sperm count, and steps need be taken to reduce stress when trying to conceive. Ways to reduce stress include participating in hobbies, daily exercise and relaxation techniques. Poor nutrition can also decrease sperm. Men need to incorporate a steady diet of fruits and vegetables into their diet and take a daily multivitamin. Smoking cigarettes not only reduces sperm count, but also lowers sperm's mobility. Quitting smoking can have a dramatic effect on your chances of conceiving. Illegal drugs, such as marijuana, and excessive drinking can lead to low sperm count as well, according to the Mayo Clinic.