How to Get Fallopian Tubes Cleared

Your fallopian tubes are the two tiny tubes that connect your ovaries and your uterus. Nearly all women are born with both tubes at birth. As a result of disease including endometriosis or infection your fallopian tubes may become blocked and non-functional. In order to become pregnant you need at least one of your tubes to be open. There are medical procedures than can be performed to remedy this situation.


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      Make an appointment with the doctor that you usually see. Women under 35 should make an appointment after a year. Women over 35 should make an appointment after six months.

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      Get an appointment for HSG if necessary. An HSG is a method of checking if your tubes are clear. Dye is inserted into your uterus. If it comes out clean at the other end your tubes are clear. Make sure you take aspirin before the appointment just in case you have pain.

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      Have surgery to clear out your tubes. If the HSG does indicate that you have blocked tubes then you are faced with two choices that can unbloch them and help become a mom. Microscopic surgery can be used in an attempt to unblock your tubes. Some women opt for surgery because IVF may not be covered under their medical plans. Others get lucky and get IVF coverage.

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      You can undergo surgery or you can go through In Virto Fertilization (IVF). During an IVF procedure eggs are harvested from your body, then fertilized outside your body. This bypasses blocked fallopian tubes.

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