When Should I Start Using Fertility Blend?
After Trying Naturally
If you are just beginning the process of trying to become pregnant, you should plan to try for at least three to six months before taking any supplements beyond prenatal vitamins. Most women will become pregnant within a year from the day they start trying. Researching supplements and making attempts to enhance your fertility really isn't necessary in the beginning and may actually end up stressing you out. Try not to overwhelm yourself with all sorts of pregnancy strategies. Start off by relaxing and simply allowing nature to take its course when you begin trying to become pregnant.
When your Doctor Approves
You always want to get your doctor to sign off on any new supplement you plan to add to your regimen, regardless of how "natural" the product is promoted to be. This especially the case when you are taking a supplement to aid in becoming pregnant, because it has the potential to affect your unborn baby, as well. Either print the ingredients of Fertility Blend or bring an actual bottle that you purchase to your doctor and follow his recommendations for taking it. Your doctor should be able to inform you of any possible hazards, side effects or adverse drug interactions related to Fertility Blend. This information will be crucial for you to know, especially if you are taking any other medication.
After You've Eaten
Many women become nauseated after taking prenatal vitamins, and the same is possible for other supplements such as Fertility Blend. For this reason it would be wise for you to take this supplement after you have eaten a good meal. Since it is recommended that you take the supplement in two to three doses, plan to take it after you eat breakfast, lunch and dinner. You will decrease your chances of become nauseous when you take it on a full stomach. Additionally, you will be less likely to miss a dose if you make a routine of taking it consistently after each meal.