How long after a head is engaged till birth?
There are a number of factors that can affect how long it takes for a baby to be born after its head is engaged, including:
* The size of the baby's head. A larger baby's head may take longer to pass through the birth canal.
* The mother's pelvic shape. A narrow pelvis may make it more difficult for the baby's head to descend and be born.
* The mother's parity. A woman who has had previous children may have a shorter labor than a first-time mother.
* The position of the baby. A baby who is in an optimal position for birth (facing down with its head flexed) may be born more quickly than a baby who is in a non-optimal position.
* The strength of the mother's contractions. Strong contractions help to push the baby down the birth canal and can shorten labor.
If you are concerned about how long it is taking for your baby to be born after its head is engaged, talk to your doctor or midwife. They can assess your progress and let you know if there is anything that can be done to speed up labor.