When was the conception date if you have numerous due dates 1st given June 23rd at 8 weeks 2nd Due July 10 3rd Feb 4 is now 28th 20 weeks?

The conception date can be calculated by subtracting the number of weeks from the due date.

1. June 23rd at 8 weeks

Due date: June 23rd

Number of weeks: 8

Conception date: June 23rd - (8 x 7) = October 16, 2022

2. July 10

Due date: July 10th

Number of weeks: Not specified

Cannot calculate conception date

3. Feb 4 is now 28th 20 weeks

Due date: February 4th

Number of weeks: 20

Conception date: February 4th - (20 x 7) = June 23rd, 2022

Therefore, the most likely conception date based on the given information is June 23rd, 2022.

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