Can 2 million spermcount with 20 percent live sperms cause pregnancy?
For a pregnancy to occur, a single sperm needs to successfully fertilize an egg. The number of live sperm and their motility play a crucial role in determining the chances of fertilization. While a higher sperm count increases the likelihood of at least one sperm reaching the egg, the motility of the sperm is essential for them to navigate through the female reproductive tract and reach the egg.
With a sperm count of 2 million and 20% live sperms, there are fewer sperm available for fertilization, and a lower proportion of those sperm are motile. This means that the chances of a single sperm successfully reaching and fertilizing an egg are reduced. Additionally, other factors such as the health and condition of the female reproductive system, as well as the timing of intercourse relative to ovulation, also influence the chances of pregnancy.
It is important to note that the success rates for natural conception may vary significantly between individuals and couples. If you are concerned about your sperm count or fertility, it is advisable to consult with a healthcare professional, such as a urologist or reproductive endocrinologist, for personalized advice and guidance.