What is the function of seminal vesicles?

Seminal vesicles are accessory sex glands responsible for producing a significant portion of the seminal fluid that is expelled during ejaculation, accounting for about 50-60% of the total volume of semen. Their function is crucial in the male reproductive process. Here are the functions of seminal vesicles:

1.Semen Composition:

- The seminal vesicles primarily produce seminal fluid, a viscous, milky fluid that forms a major part of the ejaculatory fluid. Seminal fluid serves as a transport medium for sperm during ejaculation, carrying them from the epididymis through the vas deferens and urethra and finally out of the body.

2.Nutrient Provision:

- The seminal fluid produced by seminal vesicles contains several essential nutrients and energy sources that support sperm function and survival. This includes fructose, a sugar that provides energy, as well as other nutrients like amino acids, proteins, and vitamins. These components nourish and sustain the sperm during their journey through the male reproductive tract and the female reproductive system to reach the egg.

3.Prostaglandin Synthesis:

- Seminal vesicles are responsible for the production of prostaglandins, lipid compounds involved in various physiological processes. Prostaglandins play a crucial role in regulating muscle contractions in the male reproductive tract. They help facilitate the movement of sperm and seminal fluid through the vas deferens and during ejaculation. Additionally, prostaglandins can influence the female reproductive tract by stimulating uterine contractions and cervical ripening.

4.pH Balance:

- The seminal fluid produced by seminal vesicles contributes to maintaining the appropriate pH level within the semen. Sperm are highly sensitive to acidic environments, and the alkaline nature of seminal fluid helps to neutralize the acidic environment of the vagina, creating a more favorable environment for sperm survival and fertilization.

5.Semen Volume:

- The seminal vesicles contribute significantly to the overall volume of semen. This volume helps to cleanse the male reproductive tract during ejaculation, flushing out older or stagnant remnants of urine and other fluids from the urethra.

Together, the functions of seminal vesicles ensure that the male reproductive tract provides a suitable environment for sperm transport and survival, enhances sperm function, and supports the fertilization process.

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